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Oferta de Valor

La Anafapyt agrupa a los principales grupos de pinturas y tintas, por ello se hace énfasis en resaltar este grupo del sector, mismo que congrega tintas en diferentes especialidades tales como:

  • Tintas de seguridad
  • Tintas de impresión
  • Tintas de madera
  • Tintas de empaque
  • Tintas editoriales

Consulta nuestra Oferta de Valor 2023 (Descarga),  y conoce todas las acciones que se llevan a cabo dentro de la asociación.

Lee el artículo publicado en Business Review.

Sustainable Inks Are the Way to a Greener Future


However, climate change has forced the industry to return to basics and develop environmentally friendly solutions. One example is eco-solvent inks, which do not contain materials that are harmful to health and are a good alternative to reducing the carbon footprint of the most common inks.

Currently, many raw materials are biodegradable or recyclable, although the ease of reuse is defined by the components of the product to be recycled and the degree of transformation, or if the material is able to decompose. The problem, however, has become more complex because of ink’s components. It is, therefore, important to consider that sustainability is a chain of different links in which ink, a key input into packaging, cannot be excluded.